Meanwood residents attempt to stop construction of 18 metre 5G mast opposite their homes - 10 things you said

The site of the proposed mast after work on Wednesday.The site of the proposed mast after work on Wednesday.
The site of the proposed mast after work on Wednesday.
Here is what YEP readers had to say about our report about residents in Leeds using their cars to block work on the foundations for an 5G mast opposite their homes on Wednesday morning (Sept 29).

Construction workers arrived on Stonegate Road, Meanwood on Monday morning to start work on the foundations for the mast and cabinet situated just yards from a playground on the footpath parallel to Carr Manor Fields.

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Meanwood residents attempt to stop construction of 18 metre 5G mast opposite the...

Sade Lawrence: "Good on them! I wouldn't want it right next to my house and definitely not near a children's park!"

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John Crosby: "We had this in East Hull. I was stopped by people protesting as I cycled by. I did note that most were using their mobile phones at the time."

Jack Lewis: "They'd be the first to complain if their signal was poor!"

Eric G Howgate: "Building a mast close to residential houses will no doubt de value the property. Wonder if the councils thought about that . who would want to buy a house with a G5 mast at the side of it .

Chris Alexander: "Move the mast just far enough to make sure that when it’s live they are in a black spot.

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Andrew Mundin: "The residents talking outside their homes as the report tried talking to them on his mobile phone but the signal was terrible.

Chris Wade: NIMBY ... "move it along the road to where there are no houses" .. on Stonegate Road??? No where on its entire length doesn't have houses on one side or the other, or both!"

Nicola Connell: "In the photo on the right there is already a telegraph pole which are usually 8-10m high. Would another object with an additional height of 8m really make much of an additional 'eye sore'."

Leyan Tschuchno: "Some poor people in my village had gorgeous views of fields a couple of months ago now has been lost to houses being built. View all gone. Just be lucky it's a pole & not someone's bloody back door

Trudie Canavan: "Good on them."

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