Cash stuffed down man’s underpants on the M1 leads to jail for Leeds dealers

Williams (left) and Wisdom were jailed again for their involvement in dealing Class A drugs.Williams (left) and Wisdom were jailed again for their involvement in dealing Class A drugs.
Williams (left) and Wisdom were jailed again for their involvement in dealing Class A drugs.
Prolific Leeds drug dealers have been jailed for more than 11 years after police found them carrying thousands of pounds in cash on the M1.

A vehicle was stopped on the northbound carriageway at J40 near Wakefield at around 8pm on May 20.

The occupants of the hired car included driver 32-year-old Nathaniel Wisdom and rear-seat passenger 30-year-old Jordan Williams, both of whom have previously served lengthy prison sentences for dealing in Class A drugs. A third occupant, 32-year-old Ruby Bryan was in the front passenger seat.

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Suspicions were aroused when officers found £1,850 of cash stashed in Williams’ underpants, while Bryan had £2,410 in her pocket. There was also £2,000 worth of designer goods in the car. Several mobile phones were also seized.

All three were arrested and their addresses searched, prosecutor Bahir Ahmed told Leeds Crown Court. At Bryan’s home on Monet Close in Miles Hill, police found more than 17 grammes of cocaine and more than £10,500. They also found scales, dealer bags and a dealer list.

The mobile phones from Williams and Wisdom both contained evidence of drug dealing.

During her police interview, Bryan read a prepared statement in which she denied anything to do with drugs and told police she was a “good mother”.

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Both Wisdom and Williams offered no comments during their interview with officers.

Williams, of Raglan Road, Woodhouse, admitted being concerned in the supply of cocaine, and acquiring criminal property.

Wisdom, of Stainbeck Road, Meanwood, admitted possession with an intent to supply cocaine, and possessing criminal property.

Bryan admitted possession of criminal property. She has no previous convictions and little mitigation was offered by her barrister, Sean Smith, after the judge, Recorder Anthony Kelbrick said he would not send into custody.

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It was heard that Widsom had used her home to stash the drugs, and the mother-of-two was not involved in dealing.

She was given three months’ jail, suspended for 12 months, despite Mr Smith arguing she should be given a community order.

Mitigating for Wisdom, Kara Frith said the father-of-six was taking full responsibility for the drugs. She said: “He deeply regrets involving Miss Bryan by having the cocaine at the house where he stayed. He made it clear they were his drugs.”

Wisdom is a ‘fourth-strike’ dealer, meaning he has been jailed three times before for dealing in Class A drugs. He was out on licence at the time of his latest offending.

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For Williams, Gemma Maxwell said he grew up in poverty and had no male role model in his life. She said there was a “pattern” in his offending, that he is regularly released from prison “with little prospects and returns to what he knows”.

She added: “He is unable to get a job and he falls into his old patterns and associations.”

Williams is a “three-strike” dealer meaning a seven-year sentence must be imposed.

Recorder Kelbrick took into account his guilty pleas, and reduced it to five years and eight months.

Wisdom was handed six years’ jail.