They turn back the clock to the 1960s and feature a much loved watering hole which was demolished to make way for a reorganisation of a road system in the community. The Old White Bear on Thorpe Lane at the junction with Bradford Road will be remembered by a generation of drinkers. Other landmarks featured in this gallery of memories include Hesketh House, Tingley Hall, Tingley Gasworks and Whittingley Quarry. The images are a mix from the David Atkinson Archive and others published courtesy of photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. READ MORE: 16 terrific photos take you back to Tingley in the 1990s LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia

7. Tingley in the 1960s
This signpost located at the top of Rein Road was the former boundary of Morley. Pictured in August 1961. | David Atkinson Archive. Photo: David Atkinson Archive.

8. Tingley in the 1990s
the rear of Tingley Hall where drilling equipment can be seen for the construction of the motorway. The drilling was done to take core samples in order to test the ground where it was proposed to lay the motorway. Pictured in May 1966. | David Atkinson Archive Photo: David Atkinson Archive

9. Tingley in the 1960s
An aerial view from Tingley roundabout to Thorpe Lane entrance at Tingley Crossroads. Pictured circa 1960. | David Atkinson Archive Photo: David Atkinson Archive

10. Tingley in the 1960s
Back Fenton Street and Bradford Road in December 1968. A line of washing hangs across the unmade access road. To the left is Moss's grocers and general store at number 31 Bradford Road. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

11. Tingley in the 1960s
Terraced houses on Bradford Road in December 1968. To the left is the junction with Fenton Street. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,

12. Tingley in the 1960s
Terraced houses, back to backs on Fenton Street looking from no 1 at the corner with Bradford Road in December 1968. Lumb's Off-Licence is on Bradford Road with advertising signs for Crystal Spring Medal Soft Drinks' and Padawax'. | Leeds Libraries, Photo: Leeds Libraries,