A Level Results 2018: Horsforth School

Here are the results for Horsforth School

A Abdul-Karim eng lang, hist, rel studs; N Adams hist*, law*, phys; M Adoul law*, maths**, phys*; T Ainley biol, geog, hist; Y Airton biol*, chem, eng lang; H Al-Keshmiri biol*, chem*, maths**; S Allison eng lang, med studs; M Almeriy eng lang, hist, psychol; B Arnott eng lang, hist, rel studs; S Austin biol, chem, maths; D Bahi chem*, geog, psychol*; J Bannister biol, eng lang, geog; A Beevors dram and theat studs, eng lang, rel studs; Y Bennour biol*, chem*, maths*; J Bhagwanji biol, chem, maths; H Bisset biol**, chem**, maths**; A Bland hist*, maths, psychol; P Boden eng lang, psychol, rel studs; D Bond biol*, maths**, phys*; D Branton comp, hist, maths, phys; M Bray health and socc2*, photy; I Brown eng lang, eng lit, rel studs*; C Buckley comp, econ, maths; E Buckley busi studs, account, ict; F Burdell hist, psychol, rel studs; W Burns eng lang, eng lit, med studs*; Q Cai prod des**, maths, phys; E Campbell-Kilner biol**, chem*, maths**; E Charlesworth econ, hist, ict; S Convery biol, chem, eng lit; A Cook econ, hist, med studs; C Croft geog, hist, maths; J Del Brocco biol, chem, maths; C Devine comp, eng lang, hist, ict; R Ejupi account, med studs, pe; J Fiddes chem**, maths**, frth maths**, phys**; J Field comp, dram and theat studs, hist; J Finn comp*, maths**, phys*; B Fowler art, med studs, photy; E Fox-Bullivant hist, psychol, rel studs; S Gallant art, eng lang, photy; A Gaunt apld sci, psychol, rel studs; A Gazeley apld sci, maths**, psychol; O Graham biol, chem, span; O Gregory biol**, chem**, maths**; T Griffiths econ, hist, maths; L Gunn eng lit*, hist, psychol*; B Hare eng lang, ict*, med studs; M Harrison apld sci, health and socc2; I Hayward biol, eng lit, psychol; L Hemingway eng lang*, fren, rel studs*; L Hewitt biol, chem, maths; D Hogg busi studs, account, maths; E Key dram and theat studs*, hist, maths; A Kirkman dram and theat studs, med studs*, rel studs; B Koppany chem, maths*, phys; M Langli prod des*, maths*, phys*; J Mccreath biol, pe, psychol; M Mehrak biol, chem, psychol; S Mitan-Abel chem, med studs; E Myers biol**, chem*, hist**; M Nemati comp, maths*, phys; A O'Mara biol, hist*, psychol*; H O'Reilly eng lang, hist, psychol; S Oudmaijer eng lit**, fren*, hist**, maths*; L Parker eng lang*, hist*, med studs*; J Parsell-Horrobin maths**, frth maths*, phys*; H Patel biol**, chem**, maths**, frth maths**; A Paul apld sci, health and socc2; H Philpott hist, rel studs; E Pickford chem*, hist*, maths*, mus*; J Pilkington biol*, chem*, maths; C Preece chem, med studs, psychol; G Quinn eng lang, eng lit, mus; T Radcliffe comp, maths, phys; A Robinson biol, eng lang*, span*; I Russell biol, chem, maths*; O Ryan busi studs, photy, rel studs; J Ryatt-Parkin biol*, chem*, maths*; A Salman maths**, frth maths*, phys; D Sarkar chem*, maths, phys*; B Saville hist, med studs, psychol; D Saville comp, dram and theat studs, hist; D Schofield busi studs, comp, ict*; S Scott busi studs, comp, ict; J Sefton psychol; L Sharpe med studs, mus, psychol; A Smith dram and theat studs, eng lang, rel studs; G Smith eng lang, geog, span; M Smith busi studs, chem, maths; J Spence apld sci, ict, med studs; E Stack eng lang, psychol, rel studs; J Stanley biol, maths, psychol; N Strathdee chem**, maths**, frth maths**, phys**; C Tembo apld sci, account; C Thomas art, ict*, photy; E Ulrich-Oltean fren, maths**, frth maths, phys; K Virk eng lang, hist*, psychol; Y Wagland art, biol, chem; R Wale eng lang, eng lit, rel studs; M Walsh econ*, ict, maths**; M Ward biol, chem*, maths*; M Whitworth eng lit, med studs, rel studs; L Willmott comp, eng lang, psychol; C Windle apld sci, psychol, rel studs; T Womack dram and theat studs*, mus, psychol; F Woodhead chem, comp, geol*; A Wray eng lang, med studs; L Yeomans biol, chem, fren; J Yu biol, chem, eng lit, maths; A Zaernia biol, chem, maths; K Zava chem, maths, phys;