A Level Results 2018: Dixons City Academy, Bradford

Here are this year's A Level results for Dixons City Academy

H Abid, prod des, rel studs,econ; I Ahmed, ,psychol,health and soc c**; M Ahmed, ,biol,chem, maths*; MH Ahmed, ,biol,chem, rel studs; S Ahmed, sociol,apld busi*,health and soc c*; T Ahmed, ,biol,chem, maths; A Akhtar, rel studs,health and soc c; A Ali, maths*,frth maths,econ*; B Ali, eng lang, health and soc c; M Ali, biol,geog, maths; U Ali, ,biol,chem, maths; Z Ali, prod des,apld ict*,econ; I Amin, rel studs, apld ict,health and soc c; R Amin, maths, psychol, sport and pe*; R Ansari, biol*,chem,sociol*; A Arshad, eng lang, hist, sociol*; H Azam, hist,psychol,apld ict**; A Baig, prod des,geog, maths; T Barker, chem**,maths**,frth maths**,phys*; H Bilal, biol, maths, phys; S Brannan, eng lit,psychol,span; O Browne, prod des, sociol,apld busi*; G Burrah, eng lang, hist,apld busi; S Butt, maths*,frth maths,phys; K Collins, eng lit,hist; H Ellahi, apld busi,econ; R Farani, chem,maths; A Gott, mus,psychol; C Green, ,biol,maths,sport and pe; O Gregory, biol,span*,sport and pe*; G Grewal, biol*,chem*,maths*; S Hirst, psychol,social,health and soc c*; A Hussain, apld busi,econ; A Hussain, biol,chem,prod des,health and soc c**; D Hussain, biol; H Hussain, biol,chem,eng lit; J Iqbal, apld busi; M Iqbal, prod des,econ*; A Islam, biol,chem,eng lit,rel studs; Z Javid, sport and pe, econ; A Khan, geog,hist,apld busi*; MA Khan, eng lit,sociol; B Khan, prod des*,maths**,phys; B Khan, maths,phys,sport and pe; H Khan, apld busi*,sport and pe,health and soc c*; I Khan, biol*,chem, maths*; L Khan, eng lit, hist,maths*,apld busi*; M Khan, biol,chem,rel studs; M Khan, biol,chem,maths*; MS Khan, eng lang,psychol,sociol; SM Khan, apld busi*,apld ict*,econ*; S Khan, prod des,maths,phys; T Khan, eng lang,social,apld ict*; Z Khan, prod des,eng lit,hist,psychol; N Khokhar, psychol,apld busi*,law**health and soc c; S Mahmood, biol,chem, psychol**; R Malik, psychol,apld ict,health and soc c*; S Malik, biol; S Mohammed,,sport and pe*; A Morgan, germ ,hist,sociol; H Naveed, art,psychol,span; U Nawaz, biol,chem,maths; S Okereke, psychol,apld busi*,econ*; L Palma,,biol**,maths**,sport and pe*; R Patel, eng lit,apld ict*,econ; S Patel, chem*,germ,maths**; C Pemberton-Briggs, art,eng lit,maths; C Philipson, chem,apld ict,sport and pe*; A Qayum, biol,*maths*, psychol*; A Qazi, rel studs,sociol; H Rafiq, biol,chem,maths; S Rahmaan, biol,maths**phys; A Rahman, chem,geog,maths; E Rahman, eng lit,psychol; T Rana, health and soc c; H Rashad, eng lang,apld ict,econ; A Rashid, psychol,sociol,econ; F Rashid, apld busi,econ; MH Rehman, geog*math,sphys; H Rehman, biol,chem,eng lit; B Saleem, biol,chem,maths*; S Shafaqat, biol,eng lit,psychol; S Shah, biol,chem,sociol*; SM Shah, biol*,chem*,prod des*; E Shazad, biol,chem,psychol; A Siddique, eng lit,psychol*,sociol**; F Simpson, eng lit,hist,psychol; L Spencer, biol,maths,sport and pe; R Sulehri, biol,chem,maths*,sociol**; N Tahir, biol,chem,maths**; M Taj, eng lit*,hist,sociol; A Tariq, biol,chem,maths; S Tariq, rel studs,apld ict*,health and soc c*; E Verdi, eng lit,sociol,apld ict**; G Wadsworth, biol*,chem*,hist*; J Whyte, hist,maths*,frth maths; A Yaqoob, biol,psychol,sport and pe*; Z Yaqub, prod des,apld busi*,econ*; Q Yasin, prod des,apld busi,*econ*; H Zaheer, eng lang,rel studs*,health and soc c*; B Zajac, biol,mus,phys; G Zychal, ,biol*,chem*,eng lit**.