YEP Letters: March 21

Check out today's YEP letters

Hypocrisy over Sunday trading

Hilary Andrews, Leeds

I AM astounded that the SNP voted against the extension of Sunday trading hours in England.

They already have normal Sunday hours in Scotland. What a hypocritical lot they are.

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It is time the SNP MPs were told they could not vote on any issue that is the concern of England alone.

Advantages of the EU are overwhelming

Sheena Vigors, Wakefield

The advantages of belonging to the EU are so overwhelming that I can’t understand why we are wasting time and money on a referendum.

Not only have we had peace in Europe for 70 years after centuries of war, but trade with Europe has kept prices down, we have much stronger employment legislation than any UK government would have introduced, we have Europe-wide environmental policies, cross border security control, the European Health Insurance Card, and the freedom to work and live anywhere in the EU.

Just look at a map of the world – the UK is part of Europe, not part of China, or India, or the USA, or any of the other major world players.

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Since we joined the EU, our economy has prospered and the UK now has the sixth largest economy in the world. We have the best of both worlds because we have all the advantages of belonging in the EU while opting out of the things we disagree with, such as the Euro and the Schengen agreement. If we left the EU, but still wanted to trade with it, we would still have to contribute to its finances and follow its rules (as Norway does) but we would have no say in making the rules. I can’t believe that Mr Kasatkin thinks we should be so powerless.

Of course the EU isn’t perfect – what institution is? For instance, I personally would like greater democratic control being given to the European Parliament, further reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, and a co-ordinated strategy for helping Syrian refugees. But the reason why the other EU countries (and the USA) think we should stay in, is because everyone benefits from our membership.

Those who want us to leave include Vladimir Putin, neo-fascist Marine le Pen, right-wing newspaper tycoon Rupert Murdoch, and self-serving politicians such as Boris Johnson and George Galloway – need I say more?

I feel very proud to be both British and European, and I look forward to a time when the UK will contribute wholeheartedly to the future of Europe.

Roads to airport

Geoff Allen, Pudsey.

RE recent letters on Robin Hood Airport.

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I have made many trips to Doncaster and several to the airport and I would suggest anyone contemplating travelling from the Leeds area should allow plenty of time over and above the hour it takes to get there when the M62 and A1 are running clear. These roads, in particular in winter, can be notorious for accident and hold-ups. Leeds Bradford Airport may not be perfect, especially the drop off charges, but I would suggest that serious hold-ups are unusual.

Not democratic

Bill Tampin, Pontefract

Because Wakefield Council is under pressure from the government cuts to its budget I understand that Coun Box, the leader, wanted suggestions as to how the council could make savings. I have been a Labour supporter most of my life but I also believe in politeness, fairness and democracy, so when I read that a Conservative amendment suggesting sensible, easy return cuts was rejected by the Labour council, I was angry and disgusted.

I believe the amendment was to eliminate the need for a deputy mayor and for some councillors’ allowances for free parking to be cut.

Considering that the allowances for councillors is in the region of £1.3 million per year then the suggestions seem to me to be very sensible, practical solutions towards making savings. I have suggested similar things myself but it seems that councillors who should be setting an example blatantly refuse to endure any reduction in their allowances whatsoever.

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I guess that the deputy mayor will be a Labour councillor too, therefore it is unlikely that such a position will be abolished.

I was a member of Corporate Scrutiny Committee for a short while until I discovered how ineffective it was, and there I witnessed that the two Conservative councillors received very little satisfaction because, no matter how sensible they were, they were just overruled by the overpowering Labour councillors.So I suspect that the same treatment has been given to the Conservative savings amendment.

The land we live in is not as democratic as one may think.

Britain will flourish

Terry Watson, Adel

Why is Cameron so determined to keep Britain in the EU, the worst trading block in the world?

He and so many of the “better in brigade” keep lying about the dire consequences if we vote to leave. The claim that we can have some influence in the decisions made in the EU parliament if we remain is just nonsense and Cameron knows this.

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