'Hot fuzz' to the rescue as officers fish out swan trapped in Roundhay Park lake

Swan rescued from Waterloo Lake at Roundhay Park. Picture: West Yorkshire Police/Leeds North East PoliceSwan rescued from Waterloo Lake at Roundhay Park. Picture: West Yorkshire Police/Leeds North East Police
Swan rescued from Waterloo Lake at Roundhay Park. Picture: West Yorkshire Police/Leeds North East Police | other
Police officers flocked to help a swan in trouble after it got trapped in a lake in Leeds.

The feathered creature found itself in peril after becoming trapped in the overflow spillage dam at the far end of Waterloo Lake in Roundhay Park.

West Yorkshire Police' Leeds North East division posted on Facebook about the drama, which was mere water off the back of the two officers to hand in Sunday's drama.

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PCSOs Phil Cannon and Emma Dawson helped pull the terrified bird out of the overflow, before it was put in a special carrier for an RSPCA inspector to take it for a medical inspection.

Swan rescued from Waterloo Lake at Roundhay Park. Picture: West Yorkshire Police/Leeds North East PoliceSwan rescued from Waterloo Lake at Roundhay Park. Picture: West Yorkshire Police/Leeds North East Police
Swan rescued from Waterloo Lake at Roundhay Park. Picture: West Yorkshire Police/Leeds North East Police | other

The neighbourhood police team wrote: "PCSOs Cannon and Dawson were on hand, to help a swan trapped in the overflow at Roundhay Park.

"RSPCA were called and the swan was safely rescued and released back on the lake.

"Well done everyone. You've earned your cornettos #hotfuzz #NPT #notallheroeswearcapes".

Waterloo Lake is Roundhay Park's biggest of two lakes.

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The YEP reported this weekend how a super rare black swan has been spotted on the Leeds Liverpool Canal at Rodley.

The bird, which locals have nicknamed 'Sophie', is indigenous to Australia with only a tiny population existing in England.