Our police officers are not punch bags, one attack in Leeds is one too many - the YEP says

West Yorkshire Police data shows the number of recorded assaults on officers and staff in Leeds district has rocketed since 2017.West Yorkshire Police data shows the number of recorded assaults on officers and staff in Leeds district has rocketed since 2017.
West Yorkshire Police data shows the number of recorded assaults on officers and staff in Leeds district has rocketed since 2017. | jpimedia
Police officers are not punch bags - they are public servants entitled to the full protection of the law.

Yet right here in Leeds they have been punched, kicked and attacked as they simply go about their duty to protect and serve the public.

West Yorkshire Police data shows the number of recorded assaults on officers and staff in Leeds district has rocketed since 2017.

One attack on a single police officer is one too many.

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New laws were introduced in November 2018, imposing tougher sentencing guidelines for anyone found guilty of assaulting an emergency service worker.

Meanwhile Home Secretary Priti Patel last week suggested stronger penalties for those who assaulted officers as she launched a consultation on a new Police Covenant.

It is even more important that the courts start to use the enhanced sentencing powers afforded to them when the so-called Protect The Protectors’ legislation, instigated by Halifax MP Holly Lynch.

We must protect our front line.