Memories of Leeds's own Dad's Army. PIC: Leeds Museums ServiceMemories of Leeds's own Dad's Army. PIC: Leeds Museums Service
Memories of Leeds's own Dad's Army. PIC: Leeds Museums Service

Memories of Leeds's own Dad's Army

Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler?

These photos turn back the clock to the 1940s and showcase Leeds Home Guard in training around the city. They are probably the 9th (Leeds) Battalion, West Riding Home Guard, affiliated to the West Yorkshire Regiment whose cap badge they wore. The 9th Leeds Battalion was based around north Leeds and trained at Eccup, Moortown, Adel, Meanwood and Golden Acre Park. The 9th Battalion 'had practically no contact with the enemy' according to the account of its Commanding Officer, Lt Col HK Boyle DSO, written in September 1945. The Home Guard was disbanded in 1944 and a final parade was held through Leeds on December 6, 1944. The images are published courtesy of Leeds Museums Service, whose collection is housed on photographic archive Leodis, which is run by Leeds Library & Information Service. READ MORE: The Second World War bombing raids which brought death and terror to Leeds LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join Leeds Retro on facebook YEP RETRO NEWSLETTER: Sign up for our free monthly email digest of Leeds nostalgia