We remember those we have lost to coronavirus across the city.We remember those we have lost to coronavirus across the city.
We remember those we have lost to coronavirus across the city. | jpimedia

'We'll cherish each one forever': The Leeds coronavirus victims remembered

Behind every single name and face pictured is a family, friends and colleagues who are sharing in the pain of unimaginable grief. Their loved one lost to a silent killer. Those left behind have the inconceivable burden of trying to comprehend their loss and deal with the grief on their own.

For many they won’t even be able to say a final farewell surrounded by the loving comfort and support from their family, friends and wider emotional support network. And that is why today the Yorkshire Evening Post is taking a moment to pause, to reflect, to remember and ultimately to celebrate the lives of those cherished people taken all too soon. You can email your tributes to: [email protected]