What Leeds City Council is cutting from its budget in the coming year

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Leeds City Council’s agreed budget for the coming year will affect hundreds of job roles in the authority, with services scaled back as the city struggles to come to terms with extra costs and loss of income caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Unlike other areas of the public sector, councils are not allowed to run at a loss, meaning they must balance budgets within the year. This, says Leeds City Council, leaves it with little flexibility to withstand the blow from Covid-19, as well as existing financial pressures on the authority.

Local Democracy reporter Richard Beecham has been through the council’s financial proposals for the next municipal year, and have listed some of the cuts faced by council departments below.

Children and families

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When added together, the council’s total proposed cuts to its adults and health department comes to more than £7m, with an expected reduction of 52.5 full time equivalent staff.

Organisational changes within the department – such as the transfer of some staff to the children’s and families department, make up £1.77m of the saving. Increasing prices and the reduction of the amount of cash reserves going to services make up a further £2m of cuts.

Increase in demand for services is also expected to add another £1.8m of spending pressures.

The report states: “Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Directorate has worked proactively with partners across the city to provide children and young people with essential support. Although provision has been made in the council’s strategic budget for the ongoing financial impact of Covid, the wider implications for both short and long term need within the city mean that the Directorate will continue to work collaboratively with partners to identify priorities for service delivery moving forwards.”

Adults and Health

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