Leeds nostalgia: Pounds, shillings and pence... in 1983? Not egg-actly...

A local egg shop owner from Leeds made the news in February 1983 for causing confusion with her retro till.

Margaret Wilkinson, who ran Dairy Farms Ltd, of Merrion Street, used a second hand till in her egg shop which calculated prices in pounds, shillings and pence. Mrs Wilkinson said to the Yorkshire Post: “Most customers are quite startled when they see they have bought half a dozen eggs for 6s and 3 1/2d. instead of 37p.” Mrs Wilkinson and her husband did all the workings out in their head by using the equivalent price of the new pence and the money formerly used. Customers were relieved to find they weren’t being ripped off and it was all seen as a bit of fun. But perhaps the most stsartling new was six eggs cost just 37p.

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