YEP Letters December 7

Check out today's YEP letters

Let’s get back to domestic agenda

John Appleyard,by email

I’m as pleased as anyone to see the government beaten three times in the Brexit debate in Parliament, there is a crisis at the heart of government but what’s seriously missing in these debates is the interests of ordinary people outside Parliament.

While ever the debate is about Parliamentary manoeuvres, austerity, racism, the scrapping of Universal Credit, funding of the NHS, raising wages and benefits, housing and the funding of education is all being overlooked.

We really do need to get back to the domestic agenda.

Concern over council’s dog fouling policy

Peter Haddington, Bradford

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I smiled when I read the article about the dog fouling laws that are being introduced (YEP November 29).

Especially when a councillor says we don’t want to have to fine people. Anyone who has never been in Leeds City Council’s spotlight can be forgiven for believing this statement but anyone who has sampled the council’s methods of enforcement when money is involved will know that this remark is well wide of the mark.

Leeds City Council claim to have a zero tolerance approach towards dog fouling but I have only ever known this to apply when they’re making money from it, and if this is correct why have there been sightings of the dog bins overflowing? At the end of this article the question is asked is there a problem with dog poo in Leeds?

Of course there is a problem which will always remain so until the council start targeting people who have no intention of cleaning up after their dogs instead of focusing so much on making money from this issue. To fine people for not