Are the main parties taking West Yorkshire mayoral election seriously? - YEP letters

Are the main parties taking West Yorkshire mayoral election seriously? - YEP lettersAre the main parties taking West Yorkshire mayoral election seriously? - YEP letters
Are the main parties taking West Yorkshire mayoral election seriously? - YEP letters
FROM: Henry Grogan, Garforth

The whole of West Yorkshire is soon to elect an executive mayor, with wide-ranging powers to influence the governance and future development of our region.

Other regional mayors have been big beasts of the political or business worlds: London with Ken Livingstone, Boris Johnson and Sadiq Khan; West Midlands with Andy Street, former chief executive of John Lewis; Manchester with Andy Burnham, a former senior Cabinet Minister.

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And here in West Yorkshire? Well (with apologies to the Lib Dems and other minor parties), we are being given a choice between a relatively new MP of limited experience and her opponent, whose relevant experience appears to be 11 years as an opposition councillor.

Are the two major parties taking this election seriously?