From Slindgy to Sodge and Tewtle to Twinder... the lost Yorkshire dialect that you need to know

Do you recognise these long-forgotten words of Yorkshire dialect?Do you recognise these long-forgotten words of Yorkshire dialect?
Do you recognise these long-forgotten words of Yorkshire dialect?
Do you know someone who is a flapadosha? Are you a victim to your partner's fluff? Perhaps you're a bit slindgy?

Or maybe you have no idea what we're talking about.

Well luckily for you, Adam Jacot de Boinod, author of The Meaning of Tingo and creator of the iPhone App Tingo, has come up with a handy list of meanings for unusual (but real) Yorkshire dialect.

Do you recognise these long-forgotten words of Yorkshire dialect?Do you recognise these long-forgotten words of Yorkshire dialect?
Do you recognise these long-forgotten words of Yorkshire dialect?