Leeds weather forecast hour-by-hour for today

Leeds  city centre

Photo: AdobeStockLeeds  city centre

Photo: AdobeStock
Leeds city centre Photo: AdobeStock
Winds will ease  across Leeds later today but it will remain cold, cloudy and unsettled.

Here is the hour-by-hour Met Office forecast for Leeds today (Dec 8):

12pm - 70 per cent chance of rain - 6C - wind 32mph

1pm - 70 per cent chance of rain - 6C - wind 33mph

2pm - Cloudy - 6C - wind 29mph

3pm - Cloudy - 6C - wind 25mph

4pm - Cloudy - 6c - wind 23mph

5pm - Cloudy - 6C - wind 23mph

6pm - 60 per cent chance of rain - 6C - wind 19mph

7pm - Cloudy - 6C - wind 18mph

8pm - Cloudy - 5C - wind 15mph

9pm - Cloudy - 5C - wind 14mph

10pm - Cloudy - 5C - wind 12mph

11pm - Clear - 5C - wind 13mph

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