Ultra-Luxurious Bus Fitted With Beds Set To Run Routes From Next Year

Bleary-eyed Brits could soon be ferried home at the end of a long day on this ultra-luxurious bus - fitted with BEDS.

Passengers on the vehicle, which designers hope will eventually operate on eight routes across four UK cities in Autumn 2018, will be able to sleep off their excesses in 14 discreet futuristic pods.

And they won’t have to worry about missing their stop because stewards will be on hand to wake them up before they reach their destination.

The bus has been in development for four months, with Surrey-based Andersson-Wood architects working on its design.

James Cox, CEO of high-tech sleep brand, Simba (www.simbasleep.com), who are behind the idea, said: ‘’New research shows we doze off on public transport 27 times a year and are at our most sleep deprived in December.

“Shift working and nights out are real sleep thieves that can rack up a serious slumber-debt over time.

"For workers and party-goers alike – the prospect of walking straight into your bed as soon as you’ve finished is the dream, but for many it can involve a lengthy commute home when you’re shattered or a bit worse for wear.